German 98k leather frog

German 98k leather frog

Lee Enfield No. 7 Mk 1 bayonet

Lee Enfield No. 7 Mk 1 bayonet

British Pattern 1839 bayonet

Uncommon bayonet for the P1839 Percussion Musket. Shape is fundamentally an India Pattern Brown Bess bayonet with a catch added at the back of the socket to engage the Lovell pattern catch. British marked, crown over inspector number. Maker name partially visible. No scabbard.
Availability: In stock
Uncommon bayonet for the P1839 Percussion Musket. Shape is fundamentally an India Pattern Brown Bess bayonet with a catch added at the back of the socket to engage the Lovell pattern catch. British marked, crown over inspector number. Maker name partially visible. No scabbard.